Health Research Services (HRS) is a valuable member of multiple CRO and biotech associations all over the world, which all strive to promote common standards of quality management, clinical trial management and communication in their countries. For more information on the goals and objectives of each association, please visit their website.
Our memberships include the following associations:
- Federal Association of Contract Research organisations BVMA e.V. since 2005, and passed audits in 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2018 and 2020. The seventh edition of the BVMA brochure was issued in Fall 2018 with a summary of our Research & Development services and activities. The 7 excerpts of the brochures in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010 and 2008 are in the BVMA Broschures HRS
The BVMA is member of EUCROF, the European CRO Federation.
Member flow chart
- Deutsche Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (IBS-DR) since 2017
- International Biometric Society (IBS) since 2018
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. since 2018
- Fachverband für Dokumentation und Informationsmanagement in der Medizin (DVMD) e.V. since 2018
- Fachgruppe Bioinformatik (FaBI) since 2018
- Deutsche Menopause Gesellschaft e.V. since 2018
- European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) since 2018
- BioRN Biotech Cluster Rhine-Neckar since 2008. The BioRN Guide provides access to an information platform on life sciences in the Biotech Cluster Rhine-Neckar in Germany. Our company profile at the BioRN Guide is here …
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pharmazeutische Medizin (DGPharMed) since 1996
- Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie e.V. since 2009
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie since 2009
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie since 2019
- Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzen- und Naturstoff- Forschung e. V. – Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research since 2021